Monday, December 01, 2008

My Grandma....

I try really hard not to come on here and tell a whole lot about my family life. I don't mean my immediate family I mean my extended family. Reason I do that is because I think if I see it in writing it might confirm my family really is dysfunctional.

My Grandma has to be the strongest yet most stubborn woman I know. She speaks her mind even if she knows it is going to hurt you. She has a really bad mouth like she can drop the F bomb at church and think nothing of it. It all boils down to either you like her or you don't there is no in between with her. My Grandma had a hard upbringing and so did my mom and her brothers and sisters. All together my grandma has had a hard life.

Growing up we were close to my Grandma she was always there for us and never turned us away EVER. She might not have been the best mother to my mom but she was a wonderful Grandma. She has been a little ill lately and they are waiting to do an MRI of the heart, she has already refused any heart surgery, so even if it's fixable they won't be able to fix her upon her request. I have honestly always thought that my Grandma would out live us all, I have never gave her death a thought. Even when she had breast cancer I knew she would beat it, and she did.

I'm a little scared this time because I really love my Grandma, I love the good and the bad. Last night when I told her bye I held her a little tighter and bawled my eyes out like a little girl, she was comforting me and I should of been comforting her. Even if my Grandma has a hard kind of love I'll take it. She is the most fun person to be around, even if you get a little embarrassed sometimes.

I just wanted to tell about her and ask for prayers, I just want her MRI of the heart to come out clear.


Kim said...

Aw I'm so sorry Jess. Your Grandma is your Grandma no matter what. She loves you no matter what she says or does. ((hugs)) Be strong Hun.

jodifur said...

I'm so sorry for you and your family.

TuTu's Bliss said...

Three cheers for grandparents. Everything you said in this post is so touching and reminds me of my Grandmother. She passed away in the car, on the on way to my grandfather's funeral. She told us she would not live to see him burried and she didn't. Hugs for you and for your Grams. She sounds like a complicated and amazing woman.