Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Something so little means so much to her.....

Now that Mikey is at school all day, when Mike is working it is just me and Bre. I feel like this is our time to bond, we all know bond means shop!!! For lunch we like to go to Quiznos and pick up a sub and broccoli cheese soup. We come home lay a towel out on my bed eat and watch divorce court. lol

This is our thing and I never knew it until she started to request it more and more. Something that little means so much to her, she tells me she likes to do that with me. Little does she know I like it even more, I love to spend time with her and talk to her. I love the company of my three year old daughter. So from now on I will make sure we make a trip to Quiznos as often as we can because that is "our" time and we both enjoy it.

1 comment:

Annalisa said...

How cute. I love my girl time with Emmy too.